Natalia Vasileva Actress in the State Puppet Theater Plovdiv
Born on 14.02. 1981
Natalia Vasileva graduated in 2007 from NATFIZ "Kr. Sarafov", specialty "Acting for Puppet Theater", with artistic director Prof. Dora Ruskova and assistant Neli Tokmakchieva. In the same year, she became part of the troupe of the State Puppet Theater-Plovdiv and made her debut in the play "The Desire Called Faust", director: Sergey Stolerov.
Creative theater experience
From 2004 to 2007, she participated in five performances at NATFIZ "Kr. Sarafov", part of which are: "The music in my hands", directed by Dora Ruskova (2004) and "Thirst", directed by Velimir Velev (2007), "On the edge of the sky", directed by Veselka Kuncheva (2011 ), "Chuk and Puk", directed by Stoyan Angelov (2012), "The Sick one carries the Healthy One", directed by Iroslav Petkov (2015), "Queen of Spades", directed by Veselka Kuncheva (2016) , "Flight", directed by Maria Banova (2023).
Natalia is also the voice of Dora in the TV series Dora the Explorer.