Festival archive 2009
- 4 - 8 September 2009 * Plovidv - Download the festival AWARDS - 2009
ХVІII International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough'
Dear friends,
Welcome to the eighteenth International Puppet Theatre Festival “Three are too many – Two – Not enough”!
We have what to talk about, we have what to show each-other, we have many reasons to be close to one another, we have so much to take as a precious memory, yes, we walk the same road!
The road, being the traces in our minds, guiding us in the real world.
The road, being the threads of the subconsciousness, strange, beautiful, netted, sometimes “roadless”, but always genuine.
The road, being the charge of our hearts, ready to burst and recharge again every single moment.
The road, being the impulse, that keeps the soul alive, in-love, rediscovering, seeking the common, yearning for the different and ready for a rendez-vous.
The road, being the firmness, that helps us walk through, even with our eyes closed, in order to meet, check and continue. The road, being the fragile, the unknown, but ours, because we think of it with so much desire and confidence, that we create something good!
Thank you for walking this road together!
Viktor Boytchev - Manager State Puppet Theatre Plovdiv.
Virjinia Petkova - Chairman Organization “IPTF “Three Are Too Many – Two – Not Enough”