Three are too many, two - not enough & TheatAir
XXV International Puppet Theatre Festival
See the full program, awarded participants and photos from the festival. This year, within six days, from September 1st to 6th, we presented fifteen Bulgarian troupes and guests from eight countries - USA, Germany, France, Greece, Turkey, Montenegro, Italy, Spain. Detailed information about the anniversary edition of the festival can be found HERE.
The International Street Arts festival TheatAir presents world renowned artists for the first time in the neighborhoods of Plovdiv, as well as an interesting off-program.
The TheatAir 2022 street art festival was held from September 2 to 5 at four locations in the city of Plovdiv Bulgaria.
ХХІV International Puppet Theatre Festival for chamber puppet performances for adults and children “Three Are Too Many, Two – Not Enough” & TheatAir 2021
An incredible event that State Puppet Theatre Plovdiv, with the support of the Municipality of Plovdiv, presents to the residents and guests of the city...
“Three Are Too Many, Two – Not Enough” & TheatAir 2018...
XXII International Puppet Theatre Festival “Three Are Too Many, Two – Not Enough” & TheatAir 2016 ...
TheatAir 2015. 02 – 06.09.2015 Plovdiv Bulgaria ...
International Puppet -Тheatre festival 'Three Are Too Many, Two - Not Enough' and TheatAir 2014 ...
International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough' unit TheatAir 2013...
ХX International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough' ...
ХIX International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough' ...
ХVІII International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough' ...
ХVII International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough'...
ХVII International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough'...
Fifteenth anniversary International Puppet-theatre Festival “Three are too many – two – not enough”...
XIV International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough' ...
XIII International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough' ...
XII International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough' ...
XI International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough'...
X International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough'...
IX International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough'...
V International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough' ...
IV International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough'...
III International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough'...
II International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough'...
I International puppet-theatre festival 'Three are too many - two - not enough'...
Festival of the puppet-theatre miniature for adults ...
Celebrations of the Puppet-theatre miniature for adults...
Celebrations of the Puppet-theatre miniature for adults...