Master class for debuting puppeteers Open call for participation

Main event of the off-program of the international festival TheatAir – 2024

What is it?

From 30.08 to 5.09 this year, a one-week master class for debuting puppet directors will be held at the State Puppet Theater - Plovdiv, led by Elitsa Petkova.
The purpose of the training is to familiarize the debutantes with the principles of work in real conditions and to prepare them for their post-academic work environment.
The program includes discussion meetings on the topics: independent directing work, pre-rehearsal collective work, copyright and professional success of the puppet director; as well as practical tasks such as working with a dramatic text, working with a scenographer and composer in the field, choosing a puppet system, first meeting with actors, staging work.
We plan the last day as an open rehearsal for all participating directors.
Debutants will be able to present their ideas for future performances and projects to art managers and directors of state and private theaters at the "Director's Exchange" event, part of the accompanying program of the TheatAir 2024 festival.

Who can participate?

Debutant puppet directors (with up to 3 shows directed on a professional stage).

How to apply?

By sending an up-to-date CV and motivational letter for participation, including both brief information on past experience in the field and what we did to provoke your interest.

What is the period of the open call?

04/30/2024 - 05/30/2024, send the required materials mandatory to both email addresses: and

When will the results be announced?

Until 30.06.2024 in all online channels of the State Puppet Theater - Plovdiv and by e-mail to the selected participants.

Participation is free! Language: Bulgarian

The organizers provide accommodation for the selected participants.


Team 4Puppets:

Elitsa Petkova – director
Ivaylo Nikolov - scenographer
Iva Gikova - scenographer
Plamen Petkov - composer


Petar Vlaikov – art manager
Venera Nechkova – playwright
Veronika Dimova – lawyer, copyright
Natalia Alexieva - moderator