A New Youth Theater Class begins at State Puppet Theater-Plovdiv

For students aged 14 to 18 years.

The classes start at the beginning of March and will continue until the end of June. After the summer vacation, it will continue parallel to the school year - from September to June.

Classes will take place twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays. The first two meetings are free and informative. Let's meet and get to know each other. Then we will tell you about the activities and choose the most convenient times for them.

We will deal entirely practically with theater in its various forms. The focus will also be on developing different qualities – plasticity, musicality, rhythmicity, sense of partnership, dexterity, confidence, moderation. Most likely, we will also face some of our fears as performing in public,  or we may not face them at all, because we will make sure that theater makes us free and fearless, because it gives us the complete freedom to express everything that is inside us.
We will be discoverers, we will find means of expression, we will have fun, we will support each other. We will learn to fail and forgive ourselves for it. We will learn to look for the higher ground, the strenght, the meaningful, the good and convey it with the magic of theater to anyone who wants to take it.

We are waiting for you at the information meetings on February 26th and 28th at 6:30 p.m. at State Puppet Theater-Plovdiv.

Maria Pavlova (0886 443 395) and Anastasia Asenova (089 3540908) – head teachers