International Puppet -Тheatre Festival "Three Are Too Many, Two - Not Enough" - Awards
The Organization Committee appoints the members of the jury of the Festival and the manager of the State Puppet Theatre Plovdiv contracts them.
The Awards, three bronze statues “Three Are Too Many, Two – Not Enough” by the sculptor Vassil Margaritov and a cash sum (total 3000 BGN), for the performances in the competitive program of the festival, are granted in the following exemplary categories, which the jury has the right to change and modify:
• Best performance award;
• Innovations and research in the chamber puppet art award;
• Encouragment award.
Additional awards
granted by external organisations, according their personal judgement:
• Transitional Award by the Dutch sculptor Jan Van Dyke and cash sum, awarded by the Dutch foundation “South-East European Projects” (the award is given only to theatres from Bulgaria).
• Children’s Jury Award from Foundation “Culture, Art, Kids” - Plovdiv
• “Inspiration” Award in loving memory of the composer Dimo Stoyanov P.I.F. The award and the money prize that goes with it is provided by NPO “IPTF Three are too many, two – not enough” and NPO “Art Land”. The winner of the award is selected by Mariya Banova – chairwoman of NPO “Art Land”.
All theatres that have taken part in the Festival, receive a diploma for their participation.
The funds for the organization and the implementation of the Festival are provided by:
• Plovdiv Municipality
• Ministry of Culture
• National Culture Fund
• State Puppet Theatre - Plovdiv
• Sponsors, donations, joint ventures, etc.